~ Self Defense and Boxing ~


Ashlihara Photography ~ Brandon ready stance 1 copy.jpg

Kung Fu based Self Defense Classes

Martial Arts based self defense class outside in Howard Heuston Park.

Kung fu martial arts classes will give you the tools to master skills in your mind and body. I integrate southern Chinese styles (hung gar, wing chun, and wushu) to help you find your own strength and power both within; and global styles (boxing, muy thai, and sanda) to help you integrate, gain muscle memory, and find your power in physical situations with others.

All levels welcome. We all work together. Each student is led by the teacher through a variety of martial arts movements, meant to cultivate a deep center and movement of energy.

PRICING and Packages:

Classes are $15 each for drop in. If you take both classes back to back in one day it is $20.
For a class membership, it's $35 a week for 4 classes.


Master the Arts

Kung Fu translates into mastering a skill. It guides one into a deeper understanding of life while finding and experiencing balance between hard and soft forms. You cannot have one without the other. Self defense kung fu classes give each individual the tools for growth in their martial arts practice and also in their everyday world.


Have the time of your life

My classes are FUN!! That's number one. I can guarantee you that you'll have a great time or your money back :)